Welcome to Little Leaders – Stonegrove (Edgware)
a fun, home from home environment
We celebrate childhood and the amazing early years that shape the children`s future. We play, learn, laugh and care and we offer our absolute best for the children in our care. We want the children to remember our nursery as this magical, fun-filled place that will hold a special place in their hearts forever.
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Extracurricular activities
- Babies: Baby Boogie Mites, Baby yoga, Cooking, Baby Zumba
Toddlers and preschool: Boogie Mites Phonics, Zumba, Yoga, Cooking, Small Circles (language enrichment group), Busy Feet Music, Gardening in our allotment, Toothbrushing, Woodwork
Outings: visits in the local community, shopping in a local shop, gardening in our allotment, visiting the community orchard and looking after the tree that we planted ourselves
Parent Partnership
- online learning journals on Famly
- in person parents meetings
- parties for different events (Christmas, Eid, Diwali, Graduation)
- information evenings
- library (books and story bags to take home)
- Open Nursery Week once a month (parents are invited to come in and spend time with their children, doing activities and playing with them)

Partnership with the local community
Being situated on the first floor of OneStonegrove community centre, our nursery benefits from numerous partnerships with the local community – joint gardening activities, shared charity events and Open Day events.
Our preschool children are involved in a project called "Bridge across generations" which involves the children regularly visiting Knights Court Care Home in Edgware to spend time and do activities with the residents.
We do charity events in support of the Centre`s Food Bank - we raised £300 in our most recent one.

Daily activitiesOn a daily basis there is a variety of activities planned and prepared by the teachers. In addition the children can choose their own activities and play, under the supervision and guidance of the teachers. They also do extracurricular activities and outings. The ultimate goal for the children in this room is to get them ready to go to Reception, in September after they turn 4 years old. · Construction – wooden blocks, Lego, Duplo, gears, stickle bricks, real woodwork, technology board with real locks and switches · Small world play – trains, cars, play people, animals, play house · Book corner – fiction and non-fiction books, puppets, dolls, story bags · Group times – Hello times, discussions about the theme of the month, story times, games, singing with props · Mark making and writing – pens, pencils, chalk, markers and whiteboards · Home corner – dressing up, role play, play kitchen, dolls · Maths – resources to practise numbers, shapes, sizes · Phonics – letter of the week practised in a variety of ways, songs, rhymes, Boogie Mites phonics sessions, Jolly Phonics · Messy play – sand, water, foam, playdough · Arts and crafts – cutting, sticking, painting, colouring, drawing · Science – fun experiments |
Booking Patterns and Fees
- Flexible booking patterns to suit all the families
- Morning sessions – 8AM to 1.00PM
- Afternoon sessions – 1.00PM to 6.00PM
- Full days – 8.00AM to 6.00PM
- Limited places for term-time only attendance
Funding for 3 and 4 year old children
- All children over 3 years old get 15 hours a week free education, term time only, 38 weeks a week, the term after they turn 3
- Children whose parents work are entitled to 30 hours a week free education, term time only, the term after they turn 3.
- Apply for free childcare if you’re working – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Funding for 2 year old children
- Some children over 2 years old could get 15 hours a week free education, term time only, 38 weeks a week, if the parents qualify. See more information here Help paying for childcare: Free education and childcare for 2-year-olds – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
- Children whose parents work are entitled to 15 hours a week free education, term time only, the term after they turn 2. After September 2024 the same will apply to families with children over 9 months old.
- Apply for free childcare if you’re working – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Help with childcare costs
We accept childcare vouchers, tax-free childcare, student finance, universal credit.
Check here if you qualify for any support scheme Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
Schedule a tour
- 0208 958 8881
- stonegrove@littleleaders.org.uk
- OneStonegrove, 5 Hayling Way, Edgware, HA8 8BN
April Events
- National Pet Month – learn about pets, draw our favourite pet, bring in photos of our pets, organise pet visits
- 29th March to 1st April – Easter – make Easter baskets and eggs, Easter egg hunt, Easter egg hunt (week commencing the 2nd April)
- 10th April – Eid – make a star and crescent mobilo, make a prayer mat (arts and crafts), 12th April – Eid Party (parents invited)
- 22nd April – Earth day – learn about Earth, make planet Earth (arts and crafts)
- 23rd April – St George’s Day – make the English flag
- 29th April – International Dance Day – Disco day at nursery (28th April)